"Insurance Consulting" means many things to many people. Many insurance professionals have overused this word resulting in the word "Salesperson" automatically coming to mind. Well, we do not "Sell" at Vetare Insurance, we educate. We believe that an educated buyer, is a loyal buyer.
Our consulting business at Vetare Insurance is unique in the Tri-State area. This service is a fee-for-service or pay-for-performance service. The first phase of this service is designed to educate our clients on their existing insurance program. The second phase is to implement a Risk Management Plan customized to your business, employees and culture. By engaging in phase one, your business will benefit from an unbiased, diagnostic report on your current insurance program. You will become more educated on what you've purchased, how it impacts your business, if you purchased what you thought and if the program Carrier is right for your risk. The second phase consists of a Risk Management plan that will not only hold your losses to a minimum but will also hold the line on your insurance costs moving forward. This is how 64% of our clients have seen their insurance rates stay the same or go down over the last few years.
Another aspect of our Consulting Service is assisting in "Shopping" your insurance. Sometimes, when you do this on your own, it becomes a free-for-all in the insurance marketplace. Brokers stumble over each other and prevent other Brokers’ ability to compete with the few carriers that have an appetite for your risk. Different coverage types and features are presented leaving the buyer confused. Promises and commitments made at the presentation are soon forgotten, therefore left unfulfilled. We make sure none of this happens to you, or your business.
Vetare Insurance will leave you and your business better educated,
better informed, and better protected.